
Bien Ici

Campaign goals

Always on acquisition and retargeting campaign for Bien Ici, on web and mobile-web


  • Acquisition :
    Depending on the user’s profile (new acquisition, purchase or rent affinity) and his location, the banner displays the top 3 of corresponding real estate properties.
  • Retargeting :
    Depending on the location and the type of properties researched by the user, the banner displays the top 3 of corresponding real estate properties.

Data used

  • Top properties per category : images and wording
  • Browser history : category and location of researched properties
  • User’s location









Acquisition – « purchase » user located in Poitier
Retargeting – User looking for a new acquisition in Paris



Acquisition – « new acquisition » user located in Lorient
Retargeting – user looking for a rent in Boredaux