Installing the enabler

Documentation DCO Enabler -> ENABLER ADOBE ANIMATE CC -> Installing the enabler


Create a new Animate project (File -> New), and select type HTML5.


Next, go to the publish settings (File -> Publish Settings). In the “Simple” tab, name the javascript file: index.js.





We will now create ADventori’s publication template.

  • Open the project
  • Go to File> Publish Settings> Advanced
  • Reset the default template
  • Export this template, be careful to name it in order to differentiate it from the rest. You have an .html file that is exported
  • Open this file with a text editor.
  • Go to the line just below <title> $ TITLE </ title>
  • Insert the following line:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Then insert just below:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Delete any other calling links to createjs ($ CREATEJS_SCRIPTS or other)
  • Save file
  • Return to Adobe Animate
  • Go to File> Publish Settings> Advanced
  • Import a new template (import the previously modified file)
  • Publish the project