It is possible to boost the images of your ad without them being distorted and keeping their full visibility.
To create a dynamic resizable pictures, add an attribute id
unique, and set the value of the image (addAndAdaptImage
) by default.
Once created driven by our AdServer
, images will change according to the established parameters (Geolocation, weather, date / time, cookies, retargeting …).
For this, you must give a width
and a height
to the div containing your image to make it fit to its size.
Personalization methods available:
addImage(element,url,urldefault) : This method allows you to add an image to the specified container.adaptImage(element,displayOption) : This method allows you to adjust the image size according to its container.
addAndAdaptImage(element,url,urldefault,displayOption) : This method allows you to add an image in a container and resize it to its container.
displayOption :
- {fit:’cover’} : This option allorw you to cover the entire container with the image (if the picture is to big, it will be center without taking account the overflow).
- {fit:’contain’} : This option allows you to display the entire image in its container, it’s the default option.
- {with : size, height : size} : This options allows you to define the size of its container.
Important : On Adobe Edge you can initialize your element div as an image, this option will put the picture in a background-image
property for this element. If you want to dynamize your background with the DCO Enabler, you have to initialize a void background before using our methods addImage, adaptImage, addAndAdaptImage.
example :
$(sym.$("yourElement")).css('background-image', '');
You can also define the size of your container directly from the method adaptImage
and addAndAdaptImage
ADventori.Display.addAndAdaptImage(sym.$("imgContainer1"),ADventori.data.photoV, ADventori.data.photo,{width:241,height:153});